


The Best Month to Visit B...

The Best Month to Visit Bali for Amazing Holiday Experience

• 15 Jul • 3 minutes read



Before going on holiday to Bali, the first thing you have to do is of course find out when is the best month to visit Bali.

As you probably already know, Bali has 2 seasons, namely the wet season and the dry season. Each of these seasons can affect your comfort during the vacation.

In this blog, we will discuss when is the best time to visit Bali.

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The Best Month to Visit Bali

Best Month to Visit Bali

Dry Season (May – October)

The dry season in Bali generally lasts from May to October. It brings clear blue skies and also cool breezes at night.

These months are the best time to do outdoor activities such as climbing, camping, diving, surfing, and visiting tourist attractions.

The good climate and school holidays will make these months busier than the wet season. You will see many other tourists in shopping places, restaurants or bars. In addition, hotel prices may be higher than on other days.

Rainy Season (November – April)

The rainy season in Bali generally lasts between November and April. It will bring cloudy skies and you should always be prepared for rain to fall at any time.

These months are the best time to do indoor activities such as spa or massage, cooking classes, visiting galleries or museums, and so on.

A climate that is less conducive to outdoor activities may mean that these months will be quieter than the dry season.

In addition, hotel prices will be cheaper. So, it’s the best time for you to get a cheap and relaxing holiday.

The Popular Events Based on Months in Bali

The Popular Events Based on Months in Bali - Source:


One of the popular events in Bali in January is Siwaratri Day also known as Night of Siwa. This holy day is celebrated with prayer, meditation, and staying up all night to reflect and ask for forgiveness from Siwa Lord (Manifestation of God).

On this day, especially at night, you will see Hindu people going to the temple to pray. It is the best time to visit if you want to do religious tourism in Bali.


Apart from Hindu celebrations, you can also witness Chinese cultural celebrations precisely during Imlek or Chinese New Year which generally falls in February.

People of Chinese descent who live in Bali usually celebrate in Chinese temples known as Klenteng or Vihara.

During the day, you will see Chinese temples decorated with various typical ornaments such as lanterns, red candles, and also a combination of Balinese offerings, namely canang. Apart from that, you can also watch dragon dancing, barong sai, and fireworks.

Some Chinese temples that you can visit in Bali are the Vihara Dharmayana in Kuta, the Vihara Satya Dharma in Sanur, Caow Eng Bio Temple in Tanjung Benoa, and Ling Gwan Kiong in Singaraja.


In March, Balinese people will celebrate Nyepi Day, also known as Silent Day. Unlike other days, this holy day will be celebrated in silence without lights at night. Apart from that, people will not be allowed to leave their homes so the streets will be quiet.

Meanwhile, the day before the Nyepi holiday, known as Pengerupukan Day, Balinese people usually hold a parade of Ogoh-Ogoh, a giant statue made of bamboo waven and paper. The parade will take place in every village in Bali from the afternoon until evening.

April – July

In these months, the Ubud food festival is usually held. You can visit Ubud to see this festival. For three full hours, you can see a celebration of various types of cuisine, from Indonesian to international. A festival not to be missed for culinary lovers.

October – November

In these months, the Ubud Writers & Readers Festival is usually held, a famous annual cultural and literary event in Southeast Asia.

Writers, readers and journalists from various countries will join this festival. Here, you can see various artistic performances such as poetry, music, and films.


At the end of December, the Denpasar Festival is usually held, a festival that presents various interesting events such as exhibitions of local products, culinary delights, performances, and music.




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